Sunday, November 19, 2006

New Findings in the Family Archives

I recently went to visit my cousin Monika in Lengerich, because she told me on the phone that she had boxes full of archived material, much of which related to Mary and her family. She was not exaggerating! We managed to look at about 10% of what there is. Naturally, I was particularly keen on photographic material ... & there is plenty of that. Some of this I have added in the relevant locations, but other treasures warrant a new chapter.

Below you can see the family tree prepared by Charles Frederick Burnard. You can see all his children (three of which died very young) and those of the photographer, Robert Burnard. You can also see the reference to Mary Beatrice, including the reference to her marriage to Richard.

You can also see at the top that the name dates back to 1543 , and that is appears from the Chantry Rolls of Devon and Cornwall in 1546. But the family tree, which initially recorded only the deaths, begins in earnest with John Burnard of Treroose, who died in 1788 .


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